
Join me, Valerie Sussman, survivor, thriver, physician, artist and writer as I guide you through the alphabet soup of narcissistic abuse. 

Spotting a Narcissist

Red Flags and Warning Signs

Making Sense of a Narcissistic Relationship

Guidance and Advice

Self-Discovery and Healing

Moving Forward

Dictionary of Terms

Knowledge is Power

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Making Sense of a Narcissistic Relationship

3 min


It Doesn't Get Better | Life With a Narcissist

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Making Sense of a Narcissistic Relationship, Spotting a Narcissist

4 min 27 sec


Love at Harms Length | 12 Signs of a Toxic Narcissistic Relationship

Many of us have found ourselves in relationships where we know something's not right, something feels "off." But we just can't put our finger on what it is. Are you worried you might be in a narcissistic relationship? Or that you’re last relationship was tinged with narcissistic abuse and you want to break the pattern now! Narcissists can be subtle or overt. Narcissistic relationships are, by definition, toxic: unhealthy, soul-sucking, destructive, and dysfunctional. If you've been in a relationship with someone you suspect is a narcissist, no doubt you can relate.

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Self-Discovery and Healing

4 min


Doctor's Recommendations for Healing after Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic relationships are emotionally abusive, draining, and damaging to our psyches, our bodies, and our spirits. If you've been in a narcissistic relationship, it's a safe bet you've got some healing—and some rebuilding—to do.‍You've been through the pains, now it's time for the gains.‍ Following are a few of my favorite suggestions. They're doctor-recommended. (Because, hey, I'm a doctor and I recommend them.) I've used them all. They work.

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